Plural Technology is partnering with CloudOptimo
We are pleased to announce our strategic partnership with CloudOptimo to support us with cloud optimization solutions. As a part of the partnership CloudOptimo would provide bundled intelligent solutions for cloud cost management, compliance, and security.
CloudOptimo is a Continuous Cloud Cost Optimization and Security platform helping organizations reduce their Cloud Spending and also fortify their security posture. CloudOptimo can help save companies right on day 0 of integration and can save up to 90%. CloudOptimo has several products under its belt which customers currently utilize to gain visibility into their overall cloud spend, detect underutilized and idle resources, rightsize instances, and use Spot Instances to drastically reduce the cost. CloudOptimo’s OptimoSecurity helps companies detect misconfigurations in their Cloud which can expose them to major security threats. It also helps companies automate their compliance requirements like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, NIST, ISO, APRA, MAS, AWS Well-Architected framework etc.
It is a self-service Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform
Cost Optimization
Savings Analyzer
Allows you to analyze spending pattern and save.
Allows you to choose right size for your cloud usage
Supports autoscaling to optimize resources well.
Cost Reduction on Data Science Workloads using Spot Instances.
Schedules and automates DevOps workflows to reduce costs.
Cost Optimization
OptimoSecurity empowers companies to identify and remediate risks through security assessments and automated compliance monitoring.
Cloud Optimization and Cloud Security for PLM users
Plural Technology believes it is highly important for any organization to have a transparent cloud usage and optimize its cloud costs. With over 14 years of experience in serving global customers with PLM implementations, we observed the necessity of proper management of infrastructure for ease of operations. Plural Technology serves its customers with PLM implementations, integrations with other enterprise systems. For more than a decade now, Plural Technology also supports the customers with cloud deployments wherever the need be.
Enterprise customers looking for faster implementation, instant scalability and predictable expenditure opt to move to cloud. CloudOptimo helps these customers secure using its OptimoSecurity Product. We also experieced bringing down Total Cost of Ownership(TCO) ranging 30% to 90% for PLM workloads.
Along with providing cost effective solutions across PLM domains we also see the future in assisting the customers with intelligent solutions to optimize their cloud costs, by reducing or even removing the unwanted usage, right scaling and visibility of the cloud spends.
We have partnered with CloudOptimo in taking this ahead to provide the cloud optimization solutions to the enterprise customers.